Astrology Testimonials

Below is my testimonial

Being a mother of a teenage son and pre-teen daughter, I have always wondered if I am doing enough in guiding them on their journey in this world. I had never thought of doing an astrological chart for my kids, but when I met Eric from Tylored2U at a community market I was intrigued by his calm demeanor and wisdom. His curiosity and interest as I was sharing with him why I was thinking of having an astrology chart made for my children made me feel confident that this was the correct choice to make. The astrology report was very thorough (which included videos) and Eric’s personal touch with examples made it even easier to understand. He even took the time to explain it to my daughter; which she loved!!! I really liked how Eric highlighted areas that both my children could exceed and areas in which we should work on; which included career paths.  It has helped me have a clearer/bigger picture and better understand them, but most importantly how I could better guide my children.  I totally recommend his services for anyone who would like to have a deeper understanding of their children and what you can do to guide them, so they can live their best life.

In appreciation, Emily

Here is my Testimonial

I have been into esoteric studies for a while and what I can say is, the insights from Eric are truly life-changing, to say the least.

Even though I have consulted with many astrologers, his point of view and intuitive reading has stuck with me. He gave me an inside perspective I had never gather from other astrologers. I would also like to mention that his services are inexpensive. No matter the price what you get is priceless, all his astounding research has brought a lot of clarity to my life and how my life has been, it will do the same for you. I would not doubt if I was you for a second, to hire him, especially on his coaching services. Eric will transform your perspective in and your life, I have no doubts about that.


José Miguel Giraldo.

Iona E. San Jose, CA

Eric is an very insightful in-depth Astrologer and Teacher. I learned so much about myself and my partner after not just getting our charts done, but from the generous time, he gave us explaining how our signs played a part in our lives. I was able to see old patterns and how they played a part in my present life to start to put all the pieces together. This is powerful information to help you understand your purpose, your lessons in life’s day why you are drawn to others in your life to help each other. Thank you, Eric, for helping me to truly “see” my life and why I’m drawn to certain people or situations for the first time.

Melanie S / Cleveland, OH

 “I gained a wealth of valuable information from Eric doing my personal birth chart reading. I am extremely grateful for the detailed and professional chart he provided along with explanations. He was so helpful and thorough on all my planets through the houses and provided actionable insights so that I could make the most of my chart. He took the time to get to know me and helped me see some of the ways in which my chart has played out in my life, and he delivered the information to me with clarity and kindness. If you want a birth chart reading that goes deep, from a reader full of skill and heart, please check out Eric Taylor.”



Romy K- Germany


You are a Sensational Astrologer! I only discovered my video as I was falling asleep last night! I somehow went straight down to the houses. And missed it. And had to work all day. But this morning…..

Oh my God!!  🤩  

It was just magical and made for me so beautifully and accurately with so much care and empathy, perfect words and descriptions, I was so overwhelmed and moved to tears. Completely and utterly blown away and floating. And all the links I still have to explore! It’s just the most amazing adventure you have created for me. I just want to send everyone to you, be blessed by your talented insight and wisdom. 

Feels effervescent and illuminating. 

You’re Awesome!! 

Thank you so so much

So sincerely 


A Blessing In Disguise

My astrological full twelve house birth chart reading with a custom video summary from Eric was a blessing in disguise. I was led to his Youtube channel (Taylored2UCoaching) through philosophical curiosity and research on Virgo Midheaven; subsequently, a midheaven Eric and I both have in common. I have never received a birth chart reading before. However, with Eric as my astrology advisor, it was a satisfying and enlightening experience learning about myself on a deeper level. His style of communication was authentic, knowledgeable, and professional. He will make sure that you fully comprehend the information given and open to questions or concerns.

The in-depth and thorough chart reading will have you in awe. Be prepared for your chart to shed light on emotional wounds, the spiritual bond that connects you to each house, and planet placement. There is also insight and clarification on how to fulfill your destiny; it’s mindblowing. I embrace my divine report and strive to pass the test bestowed upon me in this lifetime. The time and energy Eric put into decoding my birth chart was very much acknowledged and appreciated.

Eric, Thank you for your kindness and utilizing your unique gifts and teachings to serve your community.

 Peace & Blessings,

Shequita G.

South Africa/Germany

Since I received my Birth chart reading and personalized video from Eric, I have been trying to find the right words to do him the justice that he created for me. And because he used a different method to what I have based my chart on, I  had to restructure and process all these major changes. But never has anything I have ever read about myself rung so true. As if he’s known me and my family all my life. Unbelievable! His depth of knowledge and incredible intuition mixed with x-ray vision he is easily a diamond cutter of this trade. I feel blessed with a kind of star quality he’s left me with. Walking on air. Motivated. Finally explained to me, this complicated bunch of energies which has developed into my life. He is a healer, a profound and powerful Lightbringer. The best thing I ever did. I’m just sorry I didn’t have him read my chart when I was 18. He formed words and concepts for the feelings, drives and emotions I’d always felt but hadn’t ever been able to explain. I wouldn’t hesitate for a minute to get your or your children’s charts professionally read by Eric and be blessed by his intuitive and compassionate knowledge. I wish only the very best for Eric and his beautiful family.

Yours Sincerely 

Romy Krempel


Oh man,

Thank you so much for the extra time & effort you’ve generously extended Eric! This is absolutely accurate, & it’s dope to have a little one-stop shop for the soul I can reference & implement.

When I discovered your channel.. genuinely felt the natural care for ppl + the passion you have for this work radiating, & it’s most certainly your calling. You smile & light up from the heart with a similar excitement that happens to me when I’m playing the perfect set. Just all around cool homie vibes lol. You truly have the talent, & personality to go extremely far with your business, & you will!

You could go viral doing general level fun astrology shorts centered around pop-culture/entertainment, zodiac traits & 101 info.

I will be back in the future, & will recommend to anyone I come across looking to book services.

Thanks again,

Much love


Natacha G / Buffalo, NY

 Testimonial Below

 I am certainly more aware of  my Why’s when approaching this thing called life. As a single mother of  boys growing into men it is extremely important for me to pay attention to what I am presenting to the humans lying in my house with me. Children’s learn through what they see first.  I want to be the best example of a human that I can be so they may have an awesome life journey while making  decisions that will build a future that they can be proud of for themselves.  

Learning how the creator has put me together and knowing the purpose I am here for moves a lot more smoothly when you know the what’s and where’s and when’s of  your birth chart. It was and is a pleasure to work with Eric, He made it simple and easy  to understand while giving me the information without all the technical terms attached to it.  It was fulfilling gaining more self knowledge through the eyes of the universe. This will be so helpful moving forward in life for myself, my family and my children especially. Appreciate the knowledge shared and what will come of this in the future. it  truly makes me excited for my future where there was uncertainty, confusion and doubt.

Hey Eric,


This was a great video birth chart summary. Your point of view, the way you break it down was very accurate. You made the reading very easy to understand. In the past I’ve had a couple natal chart readings done but never have they included the asteroids. This was the first time I got an interpretation about them in my chart and my mind was totally blown! They made so much sense.  I Still have so much to look over with the links and information you provided and I will be watching the custom video about a hundred times just so I can absorb everything you said.  Your Astrology knowledge and Teachings is top notch brother. Some other Astrologer told me that 2022 is supposed to be a good year and you mentioned it also on the video. I’m hoping to be doing bigger things by next year for sure.

Once again I appreciate your time and work you put into making the video and birth chart writing. I will highly recommend you to friends and family members to get a birth chart reading done.

Thank You So Much Eric,


‘Justen Wennerberg 18, Massachusetts

Hey man, here’s that testomonial:


I highly suggest Eric Taylor. The man gets it. He was a pleasure to work with and the final product was more than worth the price. If you want a quality natal chart reading that’ll really help you understand not only yourself but astrology as a whole,  he is your man.

-Justen Wennerberg, A.K.A. MCΔT


Hi Eric,

You’re amazing! The video and report were so insightful, inspiring, and empowering – I’ve learned a lot from you already but I definitely will continue to once I re-listen/re-read the report this year. Your reading has also widened my perspective on the different projects I could work on throughout my life, not just right now. I really appreciate all of the links you’ve included so that I can continue learning more about my placements. Thank you! This is all super helpful and valuable information.

I hope you’ve had a good start to your week and thank you again



Shaquita G from GA
Each week I continued to learn more about myself through my birth chart; with the help of Eric. He has a special intuitive gift and a deep understanding of the house/planetary energies.

A session with him is fulfilling, healing, transcendental, and enjoyable. I am forever grateful that spirit led me to him and for the clarity and guidance he has offered me.


Exclusive Tents  / Belize City

Having knowledge of our personal and business birth charts was a game-changer.  Eric poured so much time into each of the charts and the video summaries, all of which were extraordinary! We are keen to have our numerology charts done next.

The business chart came in at a critical time and was most helpful!

Birth chart readings should become standard procedure for all our loved ones, providing understanding at a whole new level. This would make for an awesome birthday gift!

Many thanks, Eric, you are a special man and we look forward to meeting you in person one day!

Paul + Angelika Z

Hater Mini Birth Chart

 Jessica / NY

 I purchased the mini hater chart, and Eric accurately predicted many of the problems I am dealing with when it comes to the people in my life, and the areas in my life where people get jealous, and try to sabotage my efforts. I was impressed with the accuracy of his predictions, I will continue to purchase more readings in the future I appreciate his insight.


Grace Lawrence NY

 My Testimony

If you are interested in learning about the nature of your being, please email Eric for a Chart reading. I discovered him through YouTube, and it was his knowledge, spirit, and passion that encouraged me to reach out to him. He is empathetic, detailed, concise, and truly loves what he does. I booked a chart summary with a custom video, and it brought me to tears. His ability to reveal one’s identity in accordance with the planets and their corresponding houses is brilliant! I can see myself through a different lens, clear of blur and dismay. He stresses the art of discipline, and in doing so one can look within, accept and respond to the natural-born talents that God has blessed you with. I would recommend that you look no further, and email him for a session, it will truly change your life!



Natasha M. Toronto, Canada
Natasha Anderson

This was Amazing and very telling for just the video summary!
A lot of it just made sense. Thank you so much for this breakdown, I had some concerns about some scary-looking placements but you showing me how I can work positively with these energies make me feel so much better!
Nuff peace love and blessings to you and your loved ones Eric.
Natasha 🌻

Meg PA

If you’re ready to hear some straight, deep truths, hit up Eric. He shows the possibilities within you with gentleness and humor, and offers tools and a map for growth that work. A masterful astrologer, a generous spirit, and a beautiful human.

Thanks again! Talk soon,


Child Self Esteem Coaching Testimonials

Edwin C New Jersey- I first met Mr. Eric as a Teacher in my school in the Bronx.Eric knew that i was really into hip-hop music and he would always give me small tips about my rhyming!

Once I became his student for Music class and Computers he truly gave me guidance in speech and in writing so that I could improve as a rapper.

Mr. Eric even took my class on a trip to a professional music studio in the Bronx so I could learn how to produce beats.

After I Graduated I kept in touch with Mr. Eric and was so excited to take his Self-Esteem/Confidence Coaching Program where my Swag and writing ability soared to new heights.

This coaching program is true magic and is exactly what kids need and is so much fun while you are learning real life skills.

Taylored2U Coaching was a blessing for my life and career and I honestly hope more children get to grow learning from Mr. Eric, he is truly the best Life Coach around.


Relationship Coaching

Natacha G. /Buffalo

I truly appreciate what I learned about myself during my 11 week sessions. I was put to the test to think about myself in a new way, I will continue to implement the steps given to me. Understanding it takes time but it is well worth it.

Laura NY

Eric is an amazing counselor on so many levels: intellectually,  emotionally, and spiritually.  He connects with you on a truly deep level, using all of his gifts, astrology, psychology, human/spiritual connection and empathy to

help guide you to a level of healthy self-awareness!

He really helped my husband and I to see each other and ourselves together on a deeper level. In doing so we were able to work on letting go of our ego and past regressions to focus on our present intentions! I highly recommend Eric and believe that everybody needs some Eric magic in their lives!

Laura Velez-O’Donnell 2021

Life Coaching Testimonial