Learn How Astrology can help with your Career & Relationship

So what is one of the main questions people ask me about when getting a Birth Chart reading. Can I find out about my career and my relationships, well of course you can see these thing in an Astrological Birth Chart Report!

I always recommend that you get a Full 12 House Report with a 40-50 minute Custom Video Summary to break down every aspect of your life. The reality is some people only want to know about those two topics, so I created a Mini Birth Chart Readings for either your Career or your Relationships. Then I also created a Report where I look at both together so you can understand more about your Career and Relationships.


Let’s begin with your career and work life. In your Birth Chart we have a 12 house zodiac wheel, which has 360 degrees with each house being 30 degrees and have individual meanings to each specific house. When it comes to understanding a clients work and career I begin with looking at their Ascendant/Rising Sign to know what their Chart ruler is, which explains a lot about the theme of a person and their life path. So for example, if you have a Taurus or Libra Rising Sign your Chart ruler is Venus. This means they have a strong focus in relationships, material items, beauty, comfort, money, pleasure, senses, romance, balance, fairness, harmony, sense. money and more.

In these houses I can see information about the person that can indicate skills, abilities and talents that tend to lead to work and career success. In your 2nd house, it can show your values, self- worth, speech, gains and family assets. Having different planets in this house can tell part of the story of ways you might do well at making money. This can also show how you save and spend money. When you look at this placement you know that Taurus rules the 2nd house, but in your chart it matter what your Rising Sign is to determine the ruler of the 2nd house in each person’s chart. If you have a Libra Rising then your 2nd house will be Scorpio, so you can look to see where the planets Mars (Traditional Ruler) and Pluto (Modern Ruler) are placed in your chart to understand the energy or desire of your 2nd house.

In the 3rd house you can see you’re writing skills, athletic ability, your efforts, communication, local community, media, siblings, neighbors, and early education. In this placement you can learn from the energy of Gemini/Mercury which rules this house and leads you to discuss ideas and learning. You can see the skills of a client in terms of being a Lawyer, Accountant, Business, Sales, Marketing and these skills can be shown with planets and the house ruler. This is a house that can show your skills that can lead to a career or work ability. For example, a Pisces Rising would have Taurus in the 3rd house ruler, which can lead to being a banker, accountant, interior designer, stock broker as potential positions. Of course, we need to look at all of the placements together.

 In the 6th house it explains your work, service, health, hygiene and daily routine can reveal the type of work you can do as well as how you interact with your boss and co-workers. In this house you can find how you deal with enemies and the sickness and illnesses you can face in your life. This isn’t the main place to look at your career, but it is an important piece of your story of your health, work and what you can do every single day of your life.

Nest up, we can look at the 7th house of the person which shows us the other half where we can see relationship including marriage, but for career we see here contracts, negations, sales and the market place. This is the opposite of your 1st house and it can speak to energy that can lead to your identity in the world. Let’s say you are an Aries Rising which would give you Libra in the 7th house.  This can show someone who is all about relationships and this person can be a great Lawyer, Social Worker, Event Planner, Therapist or a person that has a pleasant appealing to connect and communicate with others.

The Midheaven is the highest point of your chart above the horizon (the suns’s highest point) that is formed when you were born and it shows the energy where you will be most known in the world for your achievements or reputation which you are known by others. This is best seen in the Whole Sign system. This can have your MC/Midheaven placed anywhere from the 12th house to the 7th house which is very rare. For the most part your Midheaven is placed in the 9th, 10th or 11th house in your Birth Chart. You can merge the energy of your 10th house with the placement of your Midheaven if it is placed in another house. In the Placidus system the Midheaven is always in your 10th house. For example, you can have Virgo Midheaven in the 11th house and your 10th house is in Leo. In this case, you look at the Virgo energy in the 11th house to see the type of career you might be best at, but you can merge the energies so you can use the Leo archetype to see how you show up in your career path. So in this situation you can be of service to others with your Virgo Midheaven and you might have a show on youtube or television marketing your business with style and flare.

The final place to look in is your 11th house, where we can see the clients friends, groups, organizations and social networks that can help you gain more money and obtain your goals. When it comes to our professional life, sometimes it’s who you know not what you know. This best represents the 11th house. This placement can tell me what type of friends the client might have or meet and it can even show the type of charity work you can do to bless humanity. Here we can see the type of friend you are to others, and we can even see if you have step-children, how you use the internet and technology to advance your career goals.

There are many aspects and planetary placements that tell the story of your career path and what skills and talents you possess to achieve your hopes, dreams, and wishes in life! I think this is a great tool to guide any person into new information and insight to the direction or path that can work best for finding the career that works best for each individual.



 Let’s be honest, this is what everyone wants to know about when getting a Birth Chart Reading! When doing a reading on relationships I would begin with the 1st house/Ascendant so I know what is the chart ruler for the client. If they are a Pisces Rising Sign than their chart ruler is Jupiter & Neptune. So tells me this is a person that is very intuitive, spiritual, philosophical and they usually have a big heart filled with compassion and creativity. Then I will look at the 5th house where I can see the type of partner they might want to date, it also shows their hobbies and their romantic side of life. So for example, this person would have Cancer in their 5th house cusp. This can mean they can be attracted to a partner with very intuitive energy that is caring, nurturing, protective, funny and cares about safety. I will always look at chart ruler of the Ascendant and house ruler of each house that can indicate relationships and marriage as well.

Next in this analysis we would go to the 7th house in Astrology. This house is about relationships, marriage, contracts, business, market place, open enemies and an actual court house. This can show the type of partner you might attract and how you can be in a marriage. When looking at this house it will show me where the client might find the type of person they will marry. If it’s a Taurus Rising then the person can have Scorpio Sun, Moon or Rising Sign. Remember Marriage is a contract. This is really the 1st marriage if you have more than one marriage, you go to the 9th house for the 2nd marriage. If the person has a third marriage you can see it in the 11th house and then if there is a 4th marriage we will look to the 1st house.

The 8th house tells the story after the marriage when two people merge their money, emotions, secrets, sex life, taxes, and where we see hidden subjects and knowledge. We can see psychological issues and we can even see affairs here and in the 6th house. The 11th house can show your friends, so sometimes you can see where people were friends first and then got married, plus this is where you can notice step-children if applicable to the client. The astroid Juno tells us the type of marriage or long term relationship partner you might have. For example, if your Juno is in Pisces you can get married to someone who has Pisces in their Sun, Moon or Rising Sign. This doesn’t mean it is the best marriage partner for you. it’s just the energy that can attract you to this person. I have seen for many of my clients that the Juno is the first marital partner and then in the 2nd marriage you see someone that was indicated in there 5th, 7th or 9th house.

Your entire Birth Chart is very complex just like every single human being on earth. If you have a marriage or relationship that you want to know more about you can also buy a Synastry Compatibility Chart. I truly think that most people should consider getting married after 29 or 30 years old when you’re Saturn returns. We all tend to mature more after this age which can make any relationship stronger and more mature. I know many people who were married early in life and have successful marriages, so please don’t get upset with me I am just speaking the truth that I see in the majority of Birth Charts for my clients. It is important to understand yourself and learn the energy of your chart so it can actually make your life easier for you. The placement of planets in your chart can tell the story of your entire life and clearly define your Relationships and Career.

I hope this sparks a real thirst and desire for this knowledge and you take the brave and bold move to get a Birth Chart reading with me and I promise it will be a blessing that changes your life in an amazing way forever!

 Eric Taylor

